Thursday, February 18, 2010

It's Time!!!!

Just a reminder that tomorrow is "match day" where all internship applicants find out if they will have an internship next year. The process is done in two steps: tomorrow we find out IF we are going on internship, and then Monday we find out WHERE we are going. Last year I got the notification email pretty early so hopefully it will all be over before I even go to work! 

I was not nervous until this week, and tonight I am pretty freaked out. This is the culmination of two years of applications, an extra year of grad school, and the final step to graduating. It's a really big deal. I remember last year the shock of opening up the email to see that I hadn't matched. It was literally a punch in the gut. I think I'm reliving that a little bit tonight which is not fun. However, tomorrow could be redemption too! Then of course the wait for Monday....

This is a big weekend for me in many ways so keep me in your prayers! 

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